Search tips:

  • Use more terms to refine and narrow the search results
    • Results will include resources with any one of those terms by themselves or together
  • Use “and” between terms to find a resource containing multiple keywords
    • Results will only include resources with all of the searched terms within
  • Use quotations marks around your terms to search for a specific phrase in a resource
    • Results will only include resources containing that exact phrase and exclude other phrasings of those terms
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efavirenz 600 mg/emtricitabine 200 mg/tenofovlr disoproxil fumarate 300 mg


emtricitabine 200 mg/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 300 mg


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sofosbuvir 400 mg/velpatasvir 100 mg/voxilaprevir 100 mg tablets
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  • Use more terms to refine and narrow the search results
    • Results will include resources with any one of those terms by themselves or together
  • Use “and” between terms to find a resource containing multiple keywords
    • Results will only include resources with all of the searched terms within
  • Use quotations marks around your terms to search for a specific phrase in a resource
    • Results will only include resources containing that exact phrase and exclude other phrasings of those terms

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  • Use more terms to refine and narrow the search results
    • Results will include resources with any one of those terms by themselves or together
  • Use “and” between terms to find a resource containing multiple keywords
    • Results will only include resources with all of the searched terms within
  • Use quotations marks around your terms to search for a specific phrase in a resource
    • Results will only include resources containing that exact phrase and exclude other phrasings of those terms

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